
Created by Jean 10 years ago
Looking at the daffodils, tulips and other Spring flowers today makes me feel closer and connected to Pauline. She would have been sending me texts or emails and reporting the progress of new shoots, shrubs and plants in her garden. I'm sure that if Twitter or Facebook had been around she would also have been communicating with family, friends and colleagues. I can imagine the exchanges we would have had about subjects that are discussed openly by some, I'm sure we would have howled with laughter over the hysterical rantings about relationship break ups and the airing of 'dirty washing' in public. On the social networking sites it seems to be accepted to mark the date of a passing of a loved one to post a memorial. But not for me today, we would have both found the cheesy impersonal verses completely tasteless, especially when they are so obviously written by a paid professional writer, have graphics of angel wings, red roses with falling petals or doves in flight etc. So today the daffodils will be my memory and the knowledge that I was so blessed to have had a sister like Pauline.